Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping

Whole brain note taking, or Mind Mapping, uses both sides of your brain to study subjects usually only studied with your left brain.

Using both sides of your brain substantially increases your brain power and memory.

Origin And Use Of Mind Maps

Mind Maps were invented by Tony Buzan and have been gaining worldwide popularity at a staggering rate. Mind Mapping is a very powerful tool for brainstorming, creative thinking, problem solving, organizing of ideas and of course, note taking. Mind Mapping as a note taking technique can be used for almost any subject and done in any language. It is especially useful for students in tertiary education and beyond, and this is because the more advanced the studied material, the greater the need to condense and simplify it in a form that is easy to learn.

The power of Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is a way of making notes using colors and patterns, keywords and images so that the information is rendered holistically.

When creating Mind Maps, imagination and creativity are used to synthesize logically all the relevant key information in an organized way. Mind Mapping taps your whole brain, releases your brain potential and improves your memory with less work.

Mind Mapping Method

The Mind Map Laws



Mind Map Examples


9 thoughts on “Mind Mapping”

  1. Thoughts for students…
    Study software comes in a variety of shapes of which one is Mapping software (concept mapping/mindmapping e.g. Mindmanager). Other proven study software types include flashcard software (e.g. Supermemo), information gathering software (e.g. One-Note) and Hybrids (e.g. RecallPlus).

    Different scenarios suggest different ideal programs.
    Mindmaps are excellent for thinking.
    From a learning perspective, if one has 100 diagrams to learn however… think about this… Looking at the diagrams above, are they different enough at a glance that when a student thinks ‘what did my diagram for xxx look like?’ … his mind will give him back the answer… like a tree root system… rather than ‘oh yes, the uniquely memorable one which looks like zzz’. i.e. if you scan up the diagrams above, are they really that different? The same = forgettable from a study point of view..
    AND there is another problem with most pure mindmapping programs if you use them for study…
    e.g. If you want a method for keeping your notes then a ‘thinking program’ as most pure mapping programs are, might not be efficient for keeping all your notes in since, correct me if I am wrong, most mindmapping programs have 1 diagram per file… so if you have 250 diagrams to learn you have 250 files that you are loading and saving, rather than with a typical flashcard program or hybrid, you have a single file with multiple cards or diagrams per file.

    Just some thoughts for students.


  2. I totally agree with the maps or notes needing to look different in order to be memorable. I find it a must to draw them myself, adding another tactile element to the process.

    I mind map and use Cornell like note taking, often blending the two, as one style just doesn’t do it for me. I find that each style has its place and time.

    Thanks for your thoughts.


  3. Mind mapping enables me to study when I don’t want to or am distracted. I find it too slow a process at other times and often useless as study notes, too scrambled and distracting themselves.

    They are really helpful to me for paper writing and brainstorming. I tried them in lectures but have gone to a Cornell/mind map hybrid for the lectures. I do integrate mind mapping into this, especially when distracted or if I have a good image for the topic.


  4. This site is awesome, i have to do a presentation on memory strategies and this is much more user friendly than any of the books available.


  5. Bob,

    I am glad this blog is helpful to you. The main purpose of the blog is as a memory strategy it self. I began this and another blog as a repository for information that I find while researching for school assignments. Whether I use the information for the assignments or not, I post it here if it is interesting and as a way to access it for possible use in future assignments. I also use it as a way to half justify going off on tangents while studying.



  6. Readers might be interested in the large library of mind maps (available to view and download for free) at http://www.biggerplate.com, which has over 1000 maps submitted by some of our 11,500+ members.

    The maps cover a range of topics both academic and professional, and we are always after new contributions, so please take a look and let us know what you think!

    Best wishes

    Liam (founder of Biggerplate)


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